Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Truly Blessed!

I am totally Blessed! I looove life! Soo... Monday I went shopping with my Best Friend Tuesday! We went out for our Birthdays. Hers was the 22nd and Mine is on Saturday 30th.  We went to Nordstroms first and she got me my birthday Present! I got D&G's new fragrance based on the Tarot lol Le Bateleur' and it smells amazing!

After we walked the mall for a while we went to lunch! YAY! We tried this new place out *new as in not our normal place we usually go when we are shopping where we were* anyways... We went to Lucille's! Southern BBQ! Sooo great! I love Blues music and they had Blues all over the place! I got a Tri Tip Salad which was amazing! The service was great, the food was great and the music was awesome! We had so much fun.

On to the Bookstore yes the bookstore! I of course went straight to look at the Tarot Decks but decided to get a Journal that called to me and a book called Earth: Pleiadian Key's to the Living Library. Tuesday was going to get the Eat-Clean Cookbook which had amazing recipes but she decided not to get it even though she really wanted it. Soo while she wasn't looking I picked it up and bought it and gave it to her in the car and she was like HOW did you do that lol.

The other day I got another Deviant Moon Tarot, it was on sale and it was a signed copy as well and this deck is from Italy the other deck I own is from China hehe. So I am so stoked for it to come in!  I am also waiting for the Waking the Wild Spirit tarot to come in and excited that the author told me her friend is working on an e-book version of her book to eventually have!

I've turned into my personal blog and I created a new domain as my professional service site. I feel that it is better for it to be there as it does put of a more professional energy. I have noticed that I am addicted to blogging. I enjoy posting on my Blog! I enjoy pulling daily cards of inspiration that our readers can benefit from. I really enjoy spreading the uplifting energy that the divine has blessed me with.

I come home today and check my myspace message and a friend of mine on Myspace sends me a message saying that she enjoys my positive words and would love to bless me with one of her CD's for my birthday and I am just like WOW!!! Thank You SOO MUCH! It is a Meditation CD and I have wanted to check her stuff out for so long just get sidetracked with my Tarot LOL and now I get it as a prezzie! I am so blessed and so excited and I am just so grateful for all of the opportunities and the people in my life i am literally bursting out the seams LOL!

I am asking my family for Amazon Giftcards as I am wanting to get a Kindle so I told em. You don't have to do much if anything at all but if you want to get me something then anything to help me with getting a Kindle would be perfect :) Every bit helps and I will be grateful for anything.

YAY!!! This is a great year and each year after this only gets better. I am so excited and so happy and Just want to scream YAYAAYAYAYYYA!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Honoring the Earth Mother!

So I am shedding old beliefs and making way for new energy and new patterns to manifest into my life. As many of you know I am Pagan and follow the Witches Path. I honor the earth but I will admit I have been slacking in this department. Not necessarily slacking but not truly honoring the earth in the ways I know I can now. My perceptions have changed and truly been uplifted. I have always known that there was life in all things but until recently I haven't really clicked in experiencing it. Starting today I am going to take more time to really honor my Mother Earth. To look at things with a different perspective. To see the life and energy in all things and to be thankful for all that I receive and am able to do. The Earth is a living essence, The Wind, The Trees, The Grass all are Living beings all connected to each and every one of us. We are all energy and all intermingle and to recognize that and honor that is a Beautiful Blessing. The more that we honor things the more that we are honored, the more we put out and send out the more that we are able to receive! It is a beautiful exchange and I look forward to the progress that is manifesting now! I am here to embody Light! Information and to awaken the true essence of the  Earth the purpose of change!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Psychic Insight Reading

Michael's Reading on Self: Psychic Insight
Tuesday January 19, 2010

1 – Where I am now in my Psychic Skills

2 of Pentacles

Balancing all that is being given and awakened. Fluid motion. The two of pentacles is almost a haunting picture as she evokes so much from me. I am being guided in all aspects and it is funny because it may seem as if things come to me easily and that I may claim so much and move in a fluid motion but I’ve taken the necessary steps, went through so much challenge and change and endured so much to get to this point. I have released so much and the two of pentacles shows this. That I am in a great state of balance and learning to balance what I know. The Divine is guiding me and giving me so much more to work with as I am already working to find the harmony with what I have right now.

2 – What can I do to improve Clairvoyance?

I need to focus on myself. I need to stop listening to what others are commanding at me and start following what my inner self speaks. I need to let go of imperfect relationships. Let go of people that no longer are in my highest and best. Investing so much energy into certain people takes so much more and the more energy I waste on others the less I am able to focus on what I truly desire and it does not benefit my clairvoyance when I am so scattered. Learning to be in control of Emotions as well will allow me to see more from a detached point of view and thus helping more.

Notice how the Two of Pentacles looks into the 5 of Cups. The Harmony and Balance is being learned and this is what I go through constantly. That battle. That struggle to stay on top it feels as if there is a weight upon my shoulders when there needs not to be.

3 – What can I do to improve Mediumship?

3 of Pentacles

Work with others. Practice more. The three of pentacles talks about three distinct personalities/energies working together to form One but their individuality still shows. To improve my Mediumship I need to seek the assistance of others to possibly form or join a mediumship circle. It is also telling me that I need to build a trust. With myself and my abilities, with spirit and my guides. I need to allow for the fluidity of the connection to come forth and learn to be submissive in a sense to allow the energy to come through. Practice, practice, and more practice!

You can see that the figures in the three of pentacles. One looks to the two of pents, one looks down at the 5 of cups and one looks forward to the next card. They are all in sync, all part of the whole learning and desiring to be worked on to be balanced and to go with the flow of things.

4 – What can I do to improve Clairaudience?

3 of Cups

Celebrate the present moment. There are many situations and beliefs that have been cleared now that are opening the doorways for clairaudience to come through so celebrate these and the more that you honor it the more that it comes forth. The three of cups tells me that I need to let go of the fear of hearing spirit again. Let go of the past traumas that have prevented me from truly hearing what they have to say and allow for the darkness to be shed so that the light may come through stronger.

This is linked to the Three of Pentacles so I feel that the group that I will form or find will be of great importance and pave the way for great things to come. It will unleash much healing and release much challenging issues.

5 – What can I do to improve my Channeling?

Page of Swords Rx

This card feels very heavy to me. The weight of the world in one respect. TO improve my channeling skills I need to really develop discernment and where I place my trust. I keep getting that to improve I need to uncover more about who I truly am, my past lives in order to learn from old patterns to clear and to over come to make way for new energy that will pierce the emotions and forge with the earth in order to create the perfect vessel.

6 – What can I do to improve Clairsentience?

8 of Cups Rx

I need to see things through. I need to take what was given in the three of cups and see it through. Finish it and once I am able to break through my Clairaudience my Clairsentience will follow suit.  It is telling me to give up what I think I “Know” and take that leap of faith, take a risk and jump in deep. To improve Clairsentience I need to learn to be more open to new things, taking the risks of new adventures and paying attention to the emotions that surround me but do not allow them to take hold of me.

7 – What is blocking me from embodying my true Psychic Self?

6 of Swords

Escape. I seem to be running away from old hurts, past traumas things that I have not wanted to face and know that I need to do so in order to move forward with anything that I do. The 6 of Swords says that I have moved forward from a very bad situation a mentally scarring situation a physically hurtful situation into a new place of good situations. So yes this is true. Out with the Old in with the new. But I need to release the old patterns and make way for the new. The Hurtful past does not own me nor will I allow it from preventing me to be what I know I am.

8 – What will come from following the guidance provided?

The Moon

There are many aspects to the Moon Card. In this aspect I feel that following the guidance provided will align me with the true nature of the divine. I will flow with the tides of the moon, flow with divinity and become fluid in nature. I will harness my skills and allow them to move through me and be a great conduit for guidance and insight. Some may think me a little crazy lol but that is okay. I will be in my true place of happiness. To serve spirit.

WOW I must say what a very blunt reading. Very emotional for me actually quite intense. I did notice that a few things popped up which were many Pentacle and Cup cards. And Two Threes as well.  The reading itself was fairly fluid. The cards all sync with each other. I have some work ahead of me indeed but it will be great work! Any comments or insight feel free to post! I welcome any insight anyone would have to offer.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Personal Tarot Reading: Channeling

So This Reading was focused on my channeling. I started channeling a while back consciously and I channeled for a while then I sort of stopped. I know I was being prepared for a higher guide than what I was channeling as I was told so but I have yet to make contact with a new guide. So I did what any Tarotist would do! Consulted the cards.

1. Why have I not been contacted yet?
Card: 8 of Pentacles Rx

I am working too hard for the "Future" and not giving enough thought and energy to the present moment. The card states that reversed this card signifies: Carlessness, Sloppy work, and laziness. While I can see where this may apply I get both what I first stated and what the book signifies. I have been in limbo of sorts. Borderline with Hair as one path and Spirituality as another. I have finally made that decision and so that aspect of  carelessness and sloppy work is on the out. I have been lazy in the fact that I have allowed my mundane matters overtake my spiritual and have not kept the balance in my life. I have been scattered so in that sense I have been "lazy" but not anymore. I am changing this NOW! I have not been contacted yet because there has not been room for any energy other than my own in my life. My mind and body have been so occupied with its own chaotic chatter that it has not allowed for anything else to truly penetrate.

2. What is Preventing Me?
Card: Ace of Swords

I am my own worst enemy! It seems that I am so determined to make it, to achieve what I know I have already done that I am getting in my own way. I am also focusing back on the 8 of Pentacles Rx that I am not allowing for new energy to come forth.

3. How can I combat this?
Card: 7 of Wands Rx

I need to pull my head out of my ass thats how I combat this! I need to learn to trust in my ability and have faith in self. I am not lost! I am where I need and choose to be. I must allow the fire spirit to breathe and to move like the energy of Kundalini and spark my creativity. I must focus on the present moment and pay attention to all things now.


I am having a Challenging day but the Chariot is coming full force which is why I am having a challenging day hmm lol.

I have noticed a common pattern in my life. I went to hair for something to do. I love being creative and I needed something to do at that time in my life so I went to hair because my aunt does hair as well as a few other family members. Anyways I do love hair! I love my spirituality and the path that I am led to serve more though. I know that hair is not my true calling for more reasons than one. But every time that I make the conscious choice to pursue my spirit as a business hair is thrown back in my face. Opportunities are basically given to me! Things that any normal person could not even pass up. Anyways I stopped doing hair over a year ago for many reasons and one of those reasons was to pursue spirit. Well I am getting the great deals offered again in hair! UGH.. So Today I made the decision! I am getting rid of all of my hair educational dvd's books and the like. I am giving them to my best friend who does hair. I am still keeping my tools because I still do hair for family but This is just to state to the universe I know where I am and I know what I desire and I am making the choice that is right for me. It is challenging and a bit emotional because I love it so much but I know this is not going to make me happy in the long run and it hasn't. Temporary but not fulfilling as what I am to do will do for me and for others. Anyways that is what I have accomplished today. Claiming my rightful place getting rid of what does not serve me and shedding a piece of me to make room for what serves me in my highest and best.

New Deck Interview : Deviant Moon Tarot

Tarot Spread: New Deck Interview as posted by

Deck: The Deviant Moon Tarot

1. Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic?
Card: Knight of Swords

I am able to delve deep into the psyche, look at the past with intelligent eyes and confront it, find the fears that are needed to confront and confront them. I bring to surface what is hidden and what must be faced. I am able to take charge of the situation and approach the matter with wisdom and from a very intellectual standpoint when needed. I am very blunt and to the point some may consider my brutal but I say what needs to be said no questions about that. I pave the way for adventure, excitement, I do what must be done for the rest to enjoy. You will not find another deck like me, I am your go to guy for no bullshit questions and answers.

2. What are your strengths as a deck?
 Card: King of Wands

"I oversee the Spirit Realm" I am a Wise leader. I will steer you in the right direction. I care about you who work with me and I will treat you as a son should be treated. I will give you guidance that inspires you! I give a different perspective than the normal outlook on things. I create and inspire daily! My strengths are many but the constant is that I will treat you well and we will work great together! The Fire within ignites and the phoenix reborn.

3. What are your limits as a deck?
Card: 6 of Wands

The only limit I have is the limit of the readers perception and acknowledgment. Those who deny change and the creative process will not work well with me. You will do well to recognize that I bring a constant change in life, I will provide you with all the tools necessary and you will grow and create new seeds and grow more! Life eternal, you never stop growing and I never stop progressing with you.

4. What do you bring to the table -- what are you here to teach me?
Card: The Sun

"I bring a deep understanding of synchronicity" I will teach you to look deep into the souls of those you come in contact with, look deep and be able to see the truth in all things. You will never look at the world the same way once you have experienced me! I bring Unity! I teach all who come to me how to honor the individual process but to link and understand that we are unity we are one and to honor that as well! Joy is what we will find together! Joy and Fun! I am to teach you to remove the qualms you have about connecting with others and to lighten up! You are of the Phoenix and you will learn how to harness death and life, you will learn to understand the synchronicity of all things.

5. How can I best learn from and collaborate with you?
Card: Ten of Cups

Treat me with love and respect and we will become one! Family!

6. What is the potential outcome of our working relationship?
Card: Judgment

Ascension! Rebirth! Change is inevitable. Working together we will form quite the bond. A great awakening will come from our working relationship!

So I must say this was so fluid and easy! The only issue I had if it was an issue at all is position 5 the Ten of Cups all that came forth to me was what I stated! I basically channeled each card, I allowed it to talk to me and felt its energy and let it dictate as to what to say. Some of it I am not fully in understanding mode of it like the Phoenix bit but Im sure that will unravel as time goes by. So if anyone has any comments i'd love to hear your thoughts!
Friday, January 8, 2010

Daily Reading: January 8th 2010

Daily Reading for Friday January 8th
Deck Used: Healing with the Angels

Answered Prayer (Rx)

The angels have a message and that is that the prayers I have been sending out ARE answered and in the process of coming to fruition. They are reminding me of my true feelings right now and that is that the prayers I have sent out are not being answered and this would be correct as to how I feel but I do know that they are here and they are seeing to what I seek. For whatever reason it is a slow process but there is still hope and what I pray for is indeed being heard.


Well this has two meanings for me. I do need to pay more attention to my inner child and allow him to come out more often and allow his creative juices to flow and inspire. Also my sister is having her baby in April and she currently lives here so I will be welcoming a new baby soon! My aunt just had a baby on the 1st and my cousin is pregnant about 9 weeks along. So there are children all around me lol but I really need to pay special attention to my inner child!


This card tells me what I already know lol and yes I know I need to work on letting it go! I am very hard on myself. I expect great things of myself and some people think I have high expectations for my friends and the people I choose to surround myself with and to an extent they are correct. I don't expect something out of another that I do not expect of myself. But I know that I am hard on myself and I do need to allow my self-judgments to pass and to give them to god and the angels and ask for help in accepting self more than I do at this time.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Daily Inspiration: The High Priestess (Rx)

Daily Inspiration For Wednesday January 6th 2010
Deck Used: Rider Waite/Smith

The High Priestess Reversed

...Something is coming.

My first impression seeing this was that something is coming. I am not sure how I feel about this. Something is definitely going to happen tomorrow.

Some people perceive the High Priestess as a Bitch, reversed tells me of a person who is definitely a Bitch but cunning as well. Almost a entitlement. Snoot Factor Galore! I keep getting told that something is coming and being shown the universe lol I am not quite sure what that means. It definitely can mean that psychically I will be hit with some major energy that will require loads of discernment. Physically/Mundane I feel that it is associated with my work. That not all are what they seem. I am being tested, pushed to my limits and I need to really be careful with my words. Why does it seem I am always being asked to be careful with how I word things? lol HMMM.... Anyways, it seems that this woman is very sly she will work her energy into the fold and then try to bring chaos so it is my place to stay calm and collected. If I over-react in this situation I will be the one acting the Fool.

I am being told that this is a two sided meaning. The Card is going to manifest into my life physically in my work place most like but its also a gift spiritually. I get this huge impression of a meteor basically falling to earth and hitting me in the head like HEY wake up LOL.

Reading Intuitively Exercise: Cups Suit: 2 of Cups

2 of Cups

Sky Blue
Deeper Blue
Smokey Color

Now now now lets see what we have in this card! To me this card is getting a bit heavier. The Ace was really light and centered around the divine. Now this card is a bit more settled in the physical plane as shown by the color scheme. The color here totally feels weighted down a bit.

The Red and Red Orange throughout the card tell me that there is a definite passion and goal oriented energy going on. You see that the top of the Card the Lions head with winds is attached to the Black which to me represents a Mirror, The black you are able to really see into the abyss, into the void, the divine which is connected to the yellow which is wisdom and sun energy. The Blue in the backdrop is a muddy blue which tells me that the divine (white) is slowly shifting (into blue) which is bringing about a focus (yellow/red) of intent (again, yellow/red/black). You see that the figure in the blue/white/red/green is definitely focused on the high priestess energy while the other figure in his hotter energies, focus on the Fool and their energies mixed together create a sort of divinity. The gold represents the divine as well but the divine manifest into physical reality. Gold is a high vibrating energy but also an energy that does not send you flying off with the fae, it is physical.

The color scheme here while blessed by the divine and guided by the divine is also separate and getting farther away from source energy but still connected. It is a physical feeling card.

Daily Draw: 01/05/2010

Deck: Legacy of the Divine

The Knight of Swords brings the strength and the whirlwind to take away what is no longer serving me in my day my life and to replace it with the wisdom to move forward and to notice what I do need to focus on and to remind me to be strong that I am a force to be reckoned with.

The Knight of Cups tells me to meet the Knight of Swords but to delve deep in who I am. Awaken my heart centers and unleash my empathic nature and feel! Truly Feel! Unleash the creative force within and awaken and step up to the plate. No more sidelines, its time to Run it and Be it! The cards are telling me that the time for excuses is over, its time for taking charge and following out the orders of the divine and making known the intent of what it is desired!
Monday, January 4, 2010

Reading Intuitively Exercise: The Cups Suit: Ace of Cups

So a friend posted an exercise on Magicka School Forum called Reading Intuitively and the exercises is to:

Divide your deck by suits.
You'll have the four suits, and the Major Arcana.
Put each in order.
Let's start with Cups, go through each card, in order, paying very close attention to the colors. Write down the colors for each card. What do these colors say to you?

Deck Used: Rider Waite/Smith

Ace of Cups

Smokey/Clouded White
Pale Green

White represents the Unconscious. The Divine, Spirit.
The Smokey/Clouded white color speaks of the mixture of the divine unto physical reality.
The Yellow is linked with wisdom, the air, a vessel of knowledge.
The Blue is fluidity, linked to the element of water it brings emotion and a constant flow of divine love.
The Green is grounded in earth it is not heavy but pale and light.
The Red is linked to passion, getting things done and the element of Fire.

You can see that all elements are mixed into this card. You still have a sort of balance with earth fire but the card is overruled by Water, Spirit, and the mixture of the heavens manifest on physical reality.

You can see that the divine represented by the hand in the Rider Waite deck has manifest into physical reality as seen with the smokey colors and the cup in spirits hand which is represented by the color yellow which is wisdom, knowledge, the vessel for the fluidity of emotion, spirituality. Through knowledge and wisdom, practical application will you be fluid in your emotions so it says to truly understand ones emotions and the divinity that blesses us in order to grasp the balance it has to offer.

Tarot Spread: Legacy Spread

So I decided to start my study of the Legacy of the Divine tarot with the Legacy Spread posted in the back of the book. I must say quite informative.

1. What Legacy have I inherited?

Card: 3 - The Empress

This card screams of destiny, of a calling and of what I have been given assignment for. The Legacy that I have inherited is not given to me just by the blood family I have but that of the Family over the ages I have had, the Earth calls me and she speaks loud. I have inherited the Legacy of Empathy, the connection of divine and the embodiment of Gaia. I have inherited the energy of Mother Earth, the cosmos, the ability to feel for all and to give birth to creative endeavors. That those who come in contact with me will be ignited with the spark of desire that the earth gives to those who seek.

2. What is my legacy?

Card 1 - The Magician

To walk divinely hand in hand with synchronicity. To be a universal student and teacher. I am to walk the path and educate myself and those who wish to listen to what I have to say to ignite change within themselves if they so desire. To challenge societies norm and to reach for the stars and be the one to pave a new way, a new path, a new energy.

3. What do I need to work on right now?

Card 20 - Judgment

I need to make the final stand in this stage in my life. I need to take a look at all that has come before me, all the experiences I have had up to this point, the challenges, the things that made me cry, that hurt, that made me laugh, that helped me to be where I am today and to confront it all. To honor it, to do my final battle to seal the deal sotospeak. I need to confront the past, the spirits that scared me as a young child, i need to confront the things that have haunted my dreams and be strong.

The more I stare into the cards and their placement the more I notice that the Empress seems to be focused in the past. The Inheritance is taken from the past a blessing while the Magician is centered in the Future and what I need to work on now is indeed the Present moment which fits.

Perceptions, Thoughts, Ideas? 
Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 The Changes

So on New Years Eve I had a talk with my patron Goddess Hecate, The Morrigan, Osiris, The Angels, Ascended Masters, The Spirits and much more. I honored them, lit my candles, cleared my space and really had a good conversation going. I sang to them from my heart and soul. I asked them for inspiration and their blessings. I took responsibility for what is here in my life and what is to come and the work and change that will be implemented.

They listened contently and with heart. They smiled upon me and with a strong guidance gave me the impression that 2010 is full of adventure, wonder, surprise, and much accomplishment.

I will finish creating The Psychic Training course I have been led to and inspired to create. I will make my mark in my Tarot Journey.
I will connect psychically with ease and grace.
Channeling will be aligned with my true self and I will honor that call.
Mediumship will come full force. The spirit world is awaiting me as it always has. Funny thing that.. Spirit world seems fairly patient. I am ready to take this all on! I am ready for the changes and I embrace them full force.
I will be using this blog a lot more!
I will be doing tarot readings here with all the Tarot decks and Oracle decks that I own! It will take time but it will happen. Let us create, co-create, manifest, communicate and honor the divine in all things!

I am so thankful for the family that I have, The best friends that I hold close. I am blessed to know such strong people and have such a strong inspiration from Roz and to be divinely guided. I am truly Blessed, I will claim it, I know it, but so are you! Claim your rightful place!

Neola my prediction for you is that you will come in contact with a lot more starseeds, a lot more people from home and you will find a new sort of energy psychically to work with and possibly channel. I see the color purple over you.

Roz my prediction for you is that you will find yourself your true self! Your strength is within. You will make waves this year. You already have. You will receive many downloads in the coming time, you will connect with Angelic beings or those along those lines I see shimmering light around you! Very glowy lol.

Tuesday my prediction for you is that you will finally find another outlet that will give you what you need in expressing yourself. You will make way in your Hair but you will also find another outlet that will take you farther along the journey you seek with your career.

Let us ROCK!! Because.. We are Awesome!
Friday, January 1, 2010

Tarot Reversals

You know the more and more that I work with the Tarot and come in contact with Tarot Seekers the more I realize I have very strong feelings about Reversals. Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe that My way is the only way! Not at all. I just have very strong feelings. I think it is because the more I come in contact with Tarot Readers, student and saged alike; The more I see the fear and stigma pertaining to Reversal cards in readings. I have noticed that a lot of people tend to run away from them because when they see reversed cards come up they feel the actual energy of that card whether they consciously recognize it or not. They understand that the card reversed is bringing up change, challenge, an opportunity but they have to be able to look into the mirror. Thats really what a Reversal card reminds me of... A Mirror pointing back at the querent. When we look in the mirror we can see sooo many things. We can see the Challenges we have faced, the scars, the beauty, the past, present, future, we see the many realities and dimensions. Thus Reversed cards to me are ultimate possibilities! They Bring change and are beautiful for what they are able to do!

Now if you run away or hide away from Reversals I think it would be a great opportunity to find out why! Don't just say because you don't like them.. Why don't you like them? If you think you can get the same energy with an upright card that is fine but WHY do you choose not to read with reversals, what is it about the reversed energy that turns you off or away and having to find out another conduit to receive the energy they provide?

I will be doing a lot of reversal work as I am reading "Tarot Reversals - Mary K. Greer" and will be engulfing myself into this book and the many meanings of Reversal cards!

What say you?

About Me

My photo
I Am Psychic, Medium, Spiritual Worker, Healer, Angel Communicator, Witch, Writer, Lover of life, and so much more! I enjoy Writing and reading the Tarot! Tarot and Psychic Training are my Passions! If you would like a Reading please visit My Website.

My Tarot Collection!

  • Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards
  • Meditation Deck: Spirit of the Wheel
  • Oracle Deck: Angel Therapy
  • Oracle Deck: Archangel Oracle Cards
  • Oracle Deck: Ascended Masters
  • Oracle Deck: Daily Guidance from your Angels
  • Oracle Deck: Healing with the Angels
  • Oracle Deck: Healing with the Fairies
  • Oracle Deck: Magical Messages from the Fairies
  • Oracle Deck: The Psychic Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: Golden Dawn Magical Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: Legacy of the Divine
  • Tarot Deck: Rider Waite/Smith
  • Tarot Deck: The Deviant Moon Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: The Gilded Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: The Goddess Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: The Llewellyn Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: The Son Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: The Thoth Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: The Universal Waite
  • Tarot Deck: The Witches Tarot
  • Wisdom Cards
