Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Psychic Insight Reading
8:12 PM |
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Michael |
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Michael's Reading on Self: Psychic Insight
Tuesday January 19, 2010
Tuesday January 19, 2010
1 – Where I am now in my Psychic Skills
2 of Pentacles
Balancing all that is being given and awakened. Fluid motion. The two of pentacles is almost a haunting picture as she evokes so much from me. I am being guided in all aspects and it is funny because it may seem as if things come to me easily and that I may claim so much and move in a fluid motion but I’ve taken the necessary steps, went through so much challenge and change and endured so much to get to this point. I have released so much and the two of pentacles shows this. That I am in a great state of balance and learning to balance what I know. The Divine is guiding me and giving me so much more to work with as I am already working to find the harmony with what I have right now.
2 – What can I do to improve Clairvoyance?
I need to focus on myself. I need to stop listening to what others are commanding at me and start following what my inner self speaks. I need to let go of imperfect relationships. Let go of people that no longer are in my highest and best. Investing so much energy into certain people takes so much more and the more energy I waste on others the less I am able to focus on what I truly desire and it does not benefit my clairvoyance when I am so scattered. Learning to be in control of Emotions as well will allow me to see more from a detached point of view and thus helping more.
Notice how the Two of Pentacles looks into the 5 of Cups. The Harmony and Balance is being learned and this is what I go through constantly. That battle. That struggle to stay on top it feels as if there is a weight upon my shoulders when there needs not to be.
3 – What can I do to improve Mediumship?
3 of Pentacles
Work with others. Practice more. The three of pentacles talks about three distinct personalities/energies working together to form One but their individuality still shows. To improve my Mediumship I need to seek the assistance of others to possibly form or join a mediumship circle. It is also telling me that I need to build a trust. With myself and my abilities, with spirit and my guides. I need to allow for the fluidity of the connection to come forth and learn to be submissive in a sense to allow the energy to come through. Practice, practice, and more practice!
You can see that the figures in the three of pentacles. One looks to the two of pents, one looks down at the 5 of cups and one looks forward to the next card. They are all in sync, all part of the whole learning and desiring to be worked on to be balanced and to go with the flow of things.
4 – What can I do to improve Clairaudience?
3 of Cups
Celebrate the present moment. There are many situations and beliefs that have been cleared now that are opening the doorways for clairaudience to come through so celebrate these and the more that you honor it the more that it comes forth. The three of cups tells me that I need to let go of the fear of hearing spirit again. Let go of the past traumas that have prevented me from truly hearing what they have to say and allow for the darkness to be shed so that the light may come through stronger.
This is linked to the Three of Pentacles so I feel that the group that I will form or find will be of great importance and pave the way for great things to come. It will unleash much healing and release much challenging issues.
5 – What can I do to improve my Channeling?
Page of Swords Rx
This card feels very heavy to me. The weight of the world in one respect. TO improve my channeling skills I need to really develop discernment and where I place my trust. I keep getting that to improve I need to uncover more about who I truly am, my past lives in order to learn from old patterns to clear and to over come to make way for new energy that will pierce the emotions and forge with the earth in order to create the perfect vessel.
6 – What can I do to improve Clairsentience?
8 of Cups Rx
I need to see things through. I need to take what was given in the three of cups and see it through. Finish it and once I am able to break through my Clairaudience my Clairsentience will follow suit. It is telling me to give up what I think I “Know” and take that leap of faith, take a risk and jump in deep. To improve Clairsentience I need to learn to be more open to new things, taking the risks of new adventures and paying attention to the emotions that surround me but do not allow them to take hold of me.
7 – What is blocking me from embodying my true Psychic Self?
6 of Swords
Escape. I seem to be running away from old hurts, past traumas things that I have not wanted to face and know that I need to do so in order to move forward with anything that I do. The 6 of Swords says that I have moved forward from a very bad situation a mentally scarring situation a physically hurtful situation into a new place of good situations. So yes this is true. Out with the Old in with the new. But I need to release the old patterns and make way for the new. The Hurtful past does not own me nor will I allow it from preventing me to be what I know I am.
8 – What will come from following the guidance provided?
The Moon
There are many aspects to the Moon Card. In this aspect I feel that following the guidance provided will align me with the true nature of the divine. I will flow with the tides of the moon, flow with divinity and become fluid in nature. I will harness my skills and allow them to move through me and be a great conduit for guidance and insight. Some may think me a little crazy lol but that is okay. I will be in my true place of happiness. To serve spirit.
WOW I must say what a very blunt reading. Very emotional for me actually quite intense. I did notice that a few things popped up which were many Pentacle and Cup cards. And Two Threes as well. The reading itself was fairly fluid. The cards all sync with each other. I have some work ahead of me indeed but it will be great work! Any comments or insight feel free to post! I welcome any insight anyone would have to offer.
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- Michael
- I Am Psychic, Medium, Spiritual Worker, Healer, Angel Communicator, Witch, Writer, Lover of life, and so much more! I enjoy Writing and reading the Tarot! Tarot and Psychic Training are my Passions! If you would like a Reading please visit My Website.
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- Oracle Deck: Healing with the Fairies
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- Oracle Deck: The Psychic Tarot
- Tarot Deck: Golden Dawn Magical Tarot
- Tarot Deck: Legacy of the Divine
- Tarot Deck: Rider Waite/Smith
- Tarot Deck: The Deviant Moon Tarot
- Tarot Deck: The Gilded Tarot
- Tarot Deck: The Goddess Tarot
- Tarot Deck: The Llewellyn Tarot
- Tarot Deck: The Son Tarot
- Tarot Deck: The Thoth Tarot
- Tarot Deck: The Universal Waite
- Tarot Deck: The Witches Tarot
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