Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Fool Reading

So I Am reading Rachel Pollacks "Tarot Wisdom" and at the end of each section she has a Tarot Exercise for you to do and I will be doing these exercises and posting my findings here. If you all have any perceptions you'd like to share I definitely welcome them. You may not agree with my meanings or you may agree but I love to hear about all types of interpretations as it helps me understand the Tarot even more!

A Fool Reading

Do you want to know more about your own experience of Foolishness? Here is a reading based on the Fool. As always, we shuffle the whole deck and see which cards emerge. The questions, however, revolve around the idea of the Fool.

1. How have I been a Fool in my life?

6 of Wands

Wands = Fire, Passion, Aggression, Movement

The 6 of Wands to me represents an almost arrogant nature. Almost like I know what I am, I know who I am, I know I'm great but I know that I am not appreciated by the people here so I want to be moving along into the future where I know things are amazing. Its not necessarily a conceited act its more like the "Fool" just who he is, doesnt know better but gets interpreted by others around him as things that they truly arent. This reminds me of a time when I was younger where I would get recognized and honored for all the work and creative work that I would do *almost channel* and others around me would wonder how I got what I did, and why it seemed to come so easily. So this card reminds me that I was like the fool in "school" pertaining to not necessarily knowing what I was doing but following my inner spirit and just doing so, taking that leap and going for it.

3 of Cups

Cups - Water, Emotions, Spirituality, Fluid

The three of cups is a great card especially right after the card I just pulled. It to me Balances my Fire card out. This card is all about celebration. Friendships and a meeting of like minds in celebration. When I look at this card I have memories of my best friend Tuesday and a Friend Rachel and how we would hang out all the time after beauty school and just celebrate life! We would drive around at night listening to music, letting the wind scream around us. We would practice with each other, talking to the winds, divining, and creating. This card to me implies the stage in my life where I would party quite a lot. I would be care free and allow the wild spirit to take over. Well as you can imagine when your partying at the end of the night you can end up doing pretty "Foolish" things and I can admit that I definitely did such. Nothing I regret, I would have a loose tongue and speak my truth and well everyone elses as well! lol So the three of cups brings up the party and wild spirit self and under the rule of the "Fool" it brings out the carelessness in the sense of speaking what is observed, what is seen without the filter of "tact."

Queen of Wands (Reversed)

Yet another Fire Card hmm!!!

Well to me this card is focused on the past. This card looks back at the Cups card and the First card is looking forward to this card so they are all watching the cups card in observance and yet the two wands cards are looking at each other as well! This is a enlightening card lol as I can see it as a pattern throughout my life so far. I see this as the fool of change and the fool who gets caught up in energy and doesnt know when to shut up or back down or move on. This to me reminds me of not letting go of things, holding on to things of the past and continuing to talk about it, maybe the gossip at work as well and complaining and just focusing so much on what is wrong instead of what is right. This reminds me of a current circumstance in which someone I work with is irritating and frustrating me and all I do is complain about it with another co-worker. It also brings up past memories of an old friend who could be termed stabbed me in the back in which I am still hurt by but still talk about therefore in a sense bring gossip to the table. On another note though The Queen of Wands reversed can represent an untrustworthy friend so it could go hand in hand with the person I am talking about or even my work situation where as the people involved are not to be trusted and telling me to stop acting the Fool in trust and being blind to seeing the truth and start discerning the situation to get the most from it. Basically saying Michael pull your head out of your ass!

2. How has it Helped Me?

3 of Pentacles (Connecting with the 6 of Wands)

Pentacles - Earth, Grounded, Materialistic Realm

To me the three of pentacles tells me that it has helped me to understand and work with others. This has helped me to socialize and to be able to work within a group environment. It says that I learned from that Fool experience and was able to grow from it, to really be inspired from that time in my life and to focus on goals and projects that I desired to see implemented in my future. This Earthiness that manifested from the Fire aspect of the Fool has grown, To me it tells me that It has helped me to learn to not be so Fire in which I can burn those around me or even burn out but to channel my passions by grounding and organizing and finding a structure base and surrounding myself with people who would support my beliefs and passions and share similar interests to promote growth!

2 of Cups (reversed, Connectin with 3 of Cups)

See this is a very interesting pair to me. Two water cards so very fluid, very emotional. And yes there was a point in my life especially that point in the cups aspect that it reminds me of I was VERY VERY emotional! More emotional than I thought I could be. In this aspect I feel that it has helped me to weed out relationships that no longer serve me. I gave my heart to people that did not cherish what was being given and that was my doing and I accept full responsibility for that but it has helped me to be able to balance out my emotions, to discern and to understand the toxic relationships I had during that time and to get rid of the people who no longer were in my best interest.

2 of Pentacles (Connecting with Queen of Wands reversed)

hmm another Two and another Earth card that is connecting with a Fire card. Interesting indeed.

To me the Two of Pentacles is all about juggling life and learning to find the balance in ones life. Taking from the past and looking at the future and being in the present moment just finding that balance. So to me this card in its meaning has helped me to really learn to discern my words, how I speak to people, what to get myself into and how to get myself out of something. It tells me to learn to co-operate with the flow of energy. To bite my tongue when I know I need to and to speak up when I know I should as well.

3. How has it hurt me?

The Sun (Reversed, Connects with 6 of Wands/3 of Pentacles)

Major Arcana - Big Events, Major Moment in Life, Big Challenges

To me this states that I was so passionate about my work, my plans, accomplishments and I started projects and yet didn't get fully credited for what I did, A pattern of not being taken or used for what I truly am so Others got the credit for what I do and did and I just was on the sidelines and the sense of "defeat" comes to mind. I put a lot into the work I do and This does remind me of a time ago when I did psychic training, my teacher was not what she claimed to be and so I left, I went to Massage School and the teachers there were not what they claimed and I had to leave it seems that what I get passionate about there always seems to be an obstacle in the way and I always feel defeated and now that I am writing this and reading it I can see these patterns and its giving me great insight into how to balance that out.

8 of Wands (Reversed, Connecting 3 of Cups/2 of Cups)

This hurt is still fresh with me it seems. The 8 of Wands tells me that in this situation it hurt me by really slowing me down. It brought a lot to the forefront of my life and it almost shattered me when I had to release these people and for a time it just made everything slow. My hair business slowed down, my life slowed down and almost came to a halt, everything just seemed dull. The Flame or spark of life wasn't shining bright it was dull and dim. This definitely speaks of a hibernation almost hermit period; very stagnant.

Page of Swords (Reversed, Connecting Queen of Wands RX* 2 of Pentacles)

Swords - Air, Intellect, Wisdom, Bitchy Blunt Cards

This card tells me that it has hurt me in the sense of trust. My head is with the fae, I was day dreaming and off in the clouds and not really paying attention to what is laid before me but hoping and wishing for whats to come and so making a choice or decision without fully paying attention to whats going on has really hurt me in this. It tells me that not noticing the signs of people in my life have lead to much confusion, challenge and pain.

4. Where in my life do I need to be more Foolish?

The Hermit (Reversed)

I need to be more foolish in my Inner Life. The Hermit reversed tells me I need to pay more attention to my inner workings as there are great messages being given to me now but I am not hearing or receiving them due to blockages which to me can be from work and the busy energy of the holidays. So I need to be more like the fool in this respect to be able to just connect. Not to think about it or execute a plan but to just go for it. Get crazy and allow it to come forth. To me this is the saying "Just do it." Get out of the Logical and into the Spirit and let it flow!

The Hanged Man

This card tells me I need to sit in meditation and really contemplate what is going on. Just let it unfold and rid things that no longer serve me. I need to get rid of what is toxic fully and to let it go this time and not harbor any old ill wills or energies. I am going through a huge transition and it seems like its taking quite some time and not working but the truth is that it IS working and I need to act the Fool in this and just be care free and stop taking it so seriously.

King of Wands

This tells me that I need to be like the King, be able to look out at my past and learn from my experiences but not allow them to attach to me and dictate to me. I allow the experiences to come forth and rule with a creative heart and a kind heart. To take the fun and new energy from The Fool and forge it into my serious energy of the King. To take the creative energy I have as the Fool and ignite it with the King. So I need to act more like the fool in my leadership skills, in my aspect of my life that oversees my past, and is working to build management and leadership skills.

5. Where will the Fool not serve me?

8 of Swords

The Fool will not serve me when I am physically and intellectually blinded. This tells me that if old wounds arise and blockages come forth that the Fool will not serve me in working these out.

3 of Swords (Reversed)

This tells me that the Fool will not serve me when I am recovering from this emotional heart break period. The stage in life when I am/was coming out of it, it would of not served me to act the Fool. It would of hindered my progress.

6 of Swords (yet another swords card hmm....)

This tells me that if I am making a move for a different situation in the work place that I need not act the fool. Traveling or moving on to a different job moving towards the future i need to be on my game and acting the Fool in these plans would not benefit me AT ALL!

*note: I noticed that all these cards were swords cards so I am wondering if it would not be wise to act a fool in the suit of swords lol.

6. Where do I find the Fool outside Myself?

The Moon (Reversed)

I can see the Fool in the social interaction between my Friend and Myself. I see the Fool in the clarity of when truth is finally found out and the Sun shines upon the day. When Depression Lifts and truth is seen that is where the Fool is noticed. So when the Blindfold comes off as in the 8 of Swords, the Fool is seen immediately!

Ace of Wands

The Fool can be seen in the Gifts that are presented to my creativity. When someone comes into my life and presents me something that feeds my spirit or my creative juices that is when the Fool Manifests. When my emotional status balanced out and I was given and found stability and blessing in my true friends, that is when the Fool manifested.

Ten of Pentacles

The Fool Manifest outside myself in group efforts. When my co-workers gather, when family members meet that is where the Fool can arise outside myself. I see him constantly lol.

7. What gifts does it bring me?

7 of Wands (reversed)

He brings the gift of fluidity. Instead of having to combat and fight against the flow of passion and creativity; he teaches the ability to go with the flow and to let down the war attitude and just float to the inner workings of the inner child.

Queen of Cups (Reversed)

He brings to me the Gift of being able to see the present moment and the future. He has taught me to let the past be the past and to learn from the present and to be able to harness that energy to look into the future. To finally get control of emotions and to work with them instead of against them.

Four of Wands

He brings the gift of "wholeness" of family and blessing. To me he teaches how to overcome the obstacles and gossip of the family and work life and how to live in truth and happiness with my people in my life. He brings it full circle! What a blessing!

Anyways lol I hope my ramblings made sense, Its actually brought up some interesting things for me to think about. OMG This took me forever! It has given me a lot of insight though and has taught me a lot and wow I am just amazed as to how everything unfolded! YAY!!


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About Me

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I Am Psychic, Medium, Spiritual Worker, Healer, Angel Communicator, Witch, Writer, Lover of life, and so much more! I enjoy Writing and reading the Tarot! Tarot and Psychic Training are my Passions! If you would like a Reading please visit My Website.

My Tarot Collection!

  • Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling Cards
  • Meditation Deck: Spirit of the Wheel
  • Oracle Deck: Angel Therapy
  • Oracle Deck: Archangel Oracle Cards
  • Oracle Deck: Ascended Masters
  • Oracle Deck: Daily Guidance from your Angels
  • Oracle Deck: Healing with the Angels
  • Oracle Deck: Healing with the Fairies
  • Oracle Deck: Magical Messages from the Fairies
  • Oracle Deck: The Psychic Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: Golden Dawn Magical Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: Legacy of the Divine
  • Tarot Deck: Rider Waite/Smith
  • Tarot Deck: The Deviant Moon Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: The Gilded Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: The Goddess Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: The Llewellyn Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: The Son Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: The Thoth Tarot
  • Tarot Deck: The Universal Waite
  • Tarot Deck: The Witches Tarot
  • Wisdom Cards
