Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Mediumship Notes
2:54 PM |
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Michael |
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As in every other aspect of mediumship, balance and self-discipline are the keys to dealing effectively with the emotions of a spirit friend or communicator.
In the delivery of the messages, you should always use definitive and affirmative statements. If you are sensing something, let the sitter know in no uncertain terms.
Get yourself immediately into the habit of making definitive statements. Wishy-washy, vague statements set up an aura of non-confidence and guesswork. This will create within your work a greater sense of stability and will allow the spirit friends to work with you more effectively.
Lengthy periods of silence should be avoided at all cost, as they tend to lower the energy levels very quickly and put a halt to further communication.
Always be honest in your message work!
Remember, the secret to successful meditation is listening to the voice within.
A Systematic plan of study will greatly help your development. Understanding what you are doing and how it works will help both you and your spirit friends.
You must WORK at the development of your mediumship. It is as simple as this: the more you work and study, the faster you will see results and the better those results will be.
YOU are the one who makes the final decisions concerning your mediumship. YOU are the one who will ultimately direct the course of your development.
We each experience mediumship in a unique way. There are, however, certain experiences which are common to the majority of developing mediums.
The more expansive becomes your awareness, the more outside of yourself you seem to become; at the same time, the more you begin discovering about yourself. Thus, the beauty of expanding your awareness is the discovery of just how united we all are.
consciousness in action results in awareness.
In order for mediumship to work, your level of consciousness, or your state of consciousnes, must change, alter, extend, or expand.
Remember, a body is a vehicle used by the Spirit to perceive and to experience life upon a particular plane.
In order for you to see a Spirit form, you must shift your focus of consciousness away from the Earth plane and toward the Spirit world.
The planes of life are all in the same "place." They are separated not by distance, but by dimension. The Earth plane is a three-dimension world; the Spirit world is multidimensional.
What realm, or dimension, your mind is focused upon will determine which body (physical or spiritual) is the primary recipient of external influences.
Everything that each of us perceives is subject to our own points of view, our own mental attitudes, our own prejudices, our own preconceived ideas, and our own personal interpretations.
A Regular system of meditation and mental disciplining exercises, if diligently followed, will benefit you and your developing sensitivity. It does require time and effort.
The key to successful Spirit communication is the establishment of a strong link between the medium and the communicator. For this to happen, each ahs to be in harmony with the other.
The astral body is a reflection of our emotions, feelings, adn desires.
The mental body is a reflection of our more objective and concrete thought patterns.
The causal body is a reflection of our more subjective thoughts, as well as our soul's journey and spirituality.
By observing the aura - its colors, its shape, its density, and its clarity - a clairvoyant can infer a termendous amount about an individual.
Your spirit guide and control are working with you and are very much involved in helping the spirit friends link with you.
Three Basic Elements of a Spirit message:
COMMUNICATOR: There must always be a specific individual in Spirit.
DESCRIPTION: What does the Spirit friend look like? What outstanding characteristics are perceived? What are his or her surroundings?
MESSAGE: Why has he or she come? What does the Spirit wish to say to the sitter?
Auras are generally not associated with a discarnate Spirit, but the Spirit people do ahve auras.
Thoughts are the building blocks within the Spirit world.
A message is more than words, and the developing medium must be diligently trained to grab every little bit that a Spirit communicator projects to his or her mind. Pay accute attention to every little detail and feeling which you receive during the communication.
Sending the message is only half the challenge; the other half involves you receiving and translating it, with as little personal influence as possible.
Mediumship is a cooperative effort between you and the spirits, and everything which Spirit passes to you must pass through your mind.
Let the communicator know if you are not receiving things clearly.
It is neither your position nor your business to judge what is evidential to the sitter. Only the sitter can make this determination.
If you get stuck, if something is unclear, or if the timages are coming to quickly, then refer back to Spirit and ask for assistance.
Do the best you can; trust in Spirit; trust in yourself and your workers; and know that, as you develop in your mediumship, the images will become clearer and more evidential in nature.
Clairaudience has varying degrees of manifestation. This is due, in part, to two factors:
* Mediums vary in their ability to hear what the Spirit people have to say.
*Verbal communication in the Spirit world varies in its manifestation.
When mediums receive clairaudiently, the message generally comes in one of two ways:
*The medium hears the words and relates, word for word, what is being said, or .....
*The medium receives a complete thought form of the message and what the Spirit wishes to say.
The individual words are not heard. Here, the medium must use his or her own words to convey the essence of hte thought form. However, even here, the words chosen can, and often are, inspired by the Spirit communicator.
A clairaudient medium may have to request the communicator to "speak" a little louder in order to be heard. What is really being requested of the spirit is to think his or her message a bit more strongly, or a bit more directly, or to come more closely within the medium's energy field.
The emotional aspect of a Spirit message has a snowballing effect. This is fine, but it must be controlled. The emotional snowball cannot become so alrge that it crushes the message and stops the communication.
Illustrative Mediumship is when your connection to the Spirit communicator is so strong that you may take on their characteristics they had in their physical life.
As a medium, you are seeking information from Spirit.
No matter what problem or difficulty you may encounter, go to Spirit for help and information.
Never close a message on a negative note.
Occasionally ask the sitter if what you are saying makes sense or is accepted. Get the sitter involved in the communication.
End your message to each sitter with some formal closing, such as "I leave you with Spirit's love." This lets the sitter know you are finished with him or her, allows the current communicator to step out of your energy field, and sets the stage for another communicator to come forward. In all evidential mediumistic work, there must be a clear line of distinction
between one communicator and another.
Spirit needs to know whetehr they are getting their message across, and you can assist with this in two ways:
*Insist that the sitter respond in some way. This interaction will help the communicator determine how well the communication is progressing.
*Let the communicator know, yourself, if there appears to be a problem.
We must understand that things do not always go along as expected. The links are not always strong; the messages are not always corect; the descriptions can be very vague and inaccurate; and the cooperation can at times seem very low.
There are several reasons why a message is not received correctly:
*You may not be the best channel for the spirit communicator to use. Never forget this all-important fact; it can account for much of what happens, or does not happen.
*Your personal influence may interfere with the communication.
*Energy conditions within and/or around you may not be at their best for the transmission and reception of thoughts.
*The control may not have made the necessary adjustment to the energy vibrations, in order to assist in the communication.
*The spirit communicator may not be familiar with this particular process of communication.
*You may be nervous, self-conscious, ill at ease, or even physically below par.
*The spirit communicator may be nervous, excited, or affected by other emotions.
*The telepathic link may not be strong enough for accurate transmisison.
*You may not be developed enough as a medium for good communication.
As a developing medium, you must not become too discouraged when a message is not correct. The more you work with it, the better will be the results; but you must accept one rather obvious truth: no matter how good a medium you become, you will make mistakes from time to time.
The secret to successful mediumistic development lies in taking these mistakes, looking at them, and learning from them.
Inspirational Mediumship:
As an inspirational speaker or writer, you will be linking with your teachers in much the same way as you do in any other form of mediumship; however, once the link is established, you must then become a passive vehicel for direct communication.
Apart from the type of information which is given, the most prominent difference between inspirational work and message work is that, as an inspired speaker or writer, you seek the mental influence of one spirit communicator at a time. Inspirational mediums work with a few spirit friends and, together, they present teaching and guidance to others.
You and the communicating teacher must maintain a strong and continuous link, in order for the words to come forward in a clear, cohesive, and effective manner. This requires great mental discipline on the part of both of you; a discipline which allows you to become and remain a passive vehicle for the inspiration of a spirit teacher or guide.
In order for your mind to be free enough to allow the thoughts of another to pass through easily, you need to be relaxed; you need to let go of the concerns of the day; and you need to place ego aside.
Do not fret or worry, nor should you force anything to come through. You must be in a passive and receptive state of mind. If you worry, you will set up a mental block which will inhibit the flow of energy and inspiration.
As you work more with inspirational mediumship, your mind will release itself more easily for Spirit's influences, and a greater degree of control will manifest. With work, trust and patience, you will find yourself becoming a clearer channel for Spirit's teaching.
You must trust and have faith in yourself and in your spirit companions. At some point, however, you must learn to place your ego aside, so that another may work with and through you. Please remember, you are working to serve others, not to prove that you are a medium.
Trance mediumship is very closely allied with inspirational mediumship. There are two major differences between trance work and inspirational speaking/writing:
*The level of spirit control is stronger and much more direct in trance mediumship.
*The energy used in trance work is more physical in nature.
First of all, not everyone can become a trance medium. There is a certain type of vital magnetism and energy which must be present within the organizm of the medium, in order for the spirit operators and/or communicators to induce this particular state of consciousness upon the medium.
We feel that trance mediumship involves a very definite mental link between medium and communicator; one which is so strong that the spirit is able to affect directly the energy field and, susequently, the bodily functions and movements of the medium.
Knowing when and how to close a message is vital to effective mediumship.
Unfortunately, today, students are simply not trained to work hard at their developing mediumship. Everyone expects instant results. "Make me a medium this weekend" is the plague of this New Age of, often, frivolous channeling.
The biggest mistake that developing mediums make is assuming that just because they become aware of a potential spirit communicator, the spirit friend will do all the work. You have to encourage him or her to come closer.
Your mind and focus of attention should be directed, first and foremost, to the spirit friends who wish to communicate.
Remember, spirit friends are people. They have feelings and emotions, just as we do. Be sensitive to what a spirit friend may have to encounter, in order to communicate. Place yourself in his or her shoes. This will make you a more sensitive sensitive and a far better medium.
And always remember this important point: When you stand for Spirit communication, be mindful of the fact that this may be the only opportunity a particular spirit may have to communicate with his or her earthly loved one.
Nothing is etched in stone. You must look at every bit of information and determine how it will
best fit into your work and into the work of your spirit companions.
Knowledge is excellent; but knowledge, tempered with good, hands-on experience, is what creates wisdom.
::Notes Some Notes Taken from Stefandakis' How to Develop Mediumship And Channeling
In the delivery of the messages, you should always use definitive and affirmative statements. If you are sensing something, let the sitter know in no uncertain terms.
Get yourself immediately into the habit of making definitive statements. Wishy-washy, vague statements set up an aura of non-confidence and guesswork. This will create within your work a greater sense of stability and will allow the spirit friends to work with you more effectively.
Lengthy periods of silence should be avoided at all cost, as they tend to lower the energy levels very quickly and put a halt to further communication.
Always be honest in your message work!
Remember, the secret to successful meditation is listening to the voice within.
A Systematic plan of study will greatly help your development. Understanding what you are doing and how it works will help both you and your spirit friends.
You must WORK at the development of your mediumship. It is as simple as this: the more you work and study, the faster you will see results and the better those results will be.
YOU are the one who makes the final decisions concerning your mediumship. YOU are the one who will ultimately direct the course of your development.
We each experience mediumship in a unique way. There are, however, certain experiences which are common to the majority of developing mediums.
The more expansive becomes your awareness, the more outside of yourself you seem to become; at the same time, the more you begin discovering about yourself. Thus, the beauty of expanding your awareness is the discovery of just how united we all are.
consciousness in action results in awareness.
In order for mediumship to work, your level of consciousness, or your state of consciousnes, must change, alter, extend, or expand.
Remember, a body is a vehicle used by the Spirit to perceive and to experience life upon a particular plane.
In order for you to see a Spirit form, you must shift your focus of consciousness away from the Earth plane and toward the Spirit world.
The planes of life are all in the same "place." They are separated not by distance, but by dimension. The Earth plane is a three-dimension world; the Spirit world is multidimensional.
What realm, or dimension, your mind is focused upon will determine which body (physical or spiritual) is the primary recipient of external influences.
Everything that each of us perceives is subject to our own points of view, our own mental attitudes, our own prejudices, our own preconceived ideas, and our own personal interpretations.
A Regular system of meditation and mental disciplining exercises, if diligently followed, will benefit you and your developing sensitivity. It does require time and effort.
The key to successful Spirit communication is the establishment of a strong link between the medium and the communicator. For this to happen, each ahs to be in harmony with the other.
The astral body is a reflection of our emotions, feelings, adn desires.
The mental body is a reflection of our more objective and concrete thought patterns.
The causal body is a reflection of our more subjective thoughts, as well as our soul's journey and spirituality.
By observing the aura - its colors, its shape, its density, and its clarity - a clairvoyant can infer a termendous amount about an individual.
Your spirit guide and control are working with you and are very much involved in helping the spirit friends link with you.
Three Basic Elements of a Spirit message:
COMMUNICATOR: There must always be a specific individual in Spirit.
DESCRIPTION: What does the Spirit friend look like? What outstanding characteristics are perceived? What are his or her surroundings?
MESSAGE: Why has he or she come? What does the Spirit wish to say to the sitter?
Auras are generally not associated with a discarnate Spirit, but the Spirit people do ahve auras.
Thoughts are the building blocks within the Spirit world.
A message is more than words, and the developing medium must be diligently trained to grab every little bit that a Spirit communicator projects to his or her mind. Pay accute attention to every little detail and feeling which you receive during the communication.
Sending the message is only half the challenge; the other half involves you receiving and translating it, with as little personal influence as possible.
Mediumship is a cooperative effort between you and the spirits, and everything which Spirit passes to you must pass through your mind.
Let the communicator know if you are not receiving things clearly.
It is neither your position nor your business to judge what is evidential to the sitter. Only the sitter can make this determination.
If you get stuck, if something is unclear, or if the timages are coming to quickly, then refer back to Spirit and ask for assistance.
Do the best you can; trust in Spirit; trust in yourself and your workers; and know that, as you develop in your mediumship, the images will become clearer and more evidential in nature.
Clairaudience has varying degrees of manifestation. This is due, in part, to two factors:
* Mediums vary in their ability to hear what the Spirit people have to say.
*Verbal communication in the Spirit world varies in its manifestation.
When mediums receive clairaudiently, the message generally comes in one of two ways:
*The medium hears the words and relates, word for word, what is being said, or .....
*The medium receives a complete thought form of the message and what the Spirit wishes to say.
The individual words are not heard. Here, the medium must use his or her own words to convey the essence of hte thought form. However, even here, the words chosen can, and often are, inspired by the Spirit communicator.
A clairaudient medium may have to request the communicator to "speak" a little louder in order to be heard. What is really being requested of the spirit is to think his or her message a bit more strongly, or a bit more directly, or to come more closely within the medium's energy field.
The emotional aspect of a Spirit message has a snowballing effect. This is fine, but it must be controlled. The emotional snowball cannot become so alrge that it crushes the message and stops the communication.
Illustrative Mediumship is when your connection to the Spirit communicator is so strong that you may take on their characteristics they had in their physical life.
As a medium, you are seeking information from Spirit.
No matter what problem or difficulty you may encounter, go to Spirit for help and information.
Never close a message on a negative note.
Occasionally ask the sitter if what you are saying makes sense or is accepted. Get the sitter involved in the communication.
End your message to each sitter with some formal closing, such as "I leave you with Spirit's love." This lets the sitter know you are finished with him or her, allows the current communicator to step out of your energy field, and sets the stage for another communicator to come forward. In all evidential mediumistic work, there must be a clear line of distinction
between one communicator and another.
Spirit needs to know whetehr they are getting their message across, and you can assist with this in two ways:
*Insist that the sitter respond in some way. This interaction will help the communicator determine how well the communication is progressing.
*Let the communicator know, yourself, if there appears to be a problem.
We must understand that things do not always go along as expected. The links are not always strong; the messages are not always corect; the descriptions can be very vague and inaccurate; and the cooperation can at times seem very low.
There are several reasons why a message is not received correctly:
*You may not be the best channel for the spirit communicator to use. Never forget this all-important fact; it can account for much of what happens, or does not happen.
*Your personal influence may interfere with the communication.
*Energy conditions within and/or around you may not be at their best for the transmission and reception of thoughts.
*The control may not have made the necessary adjustment to the energy vibrations, in order to assist in the communication.
*The spirit communicator may not be familiar with this particular process of communication.
*You may be nervous, self-conscious, ill at ease, or even physically below par.
*The spirit communicator may be nervous, excited, or affected by other emotions.
*The telepathic link may not be strong enough for accurate transmisison.
*You may not be developed enough as a medium for good communication.
As a developing medium, you must not become too discouraged when a message is not correct. The more you work with it, the better will be the results; but you must accept one rather obvious truth: no matter how good a medium you become, you will make mistakes from time to time.
The secret to successful mediumistic development lies in taking these mistakes, looking at them, and learning from them.
Inspirational Mediumship:
As an inspirational speaker or writer, you will be linking with your teachers in much the same way as you do in any other form of mediumship; however, once the link is established, you must then become a passive vehicel for direct communication.
Apart from the type of information which is given, the most prominent difference between inspirational work and message work is that, as an inspired speaker or writer, you seek the mental influence of one spirit communicator at a time. Inspirational mediums work with a few spirit friends and, together, they present teaching and guidance to others.
You and the communicating teacher must maintain a strong and continuous link, in order for the words to come forward in a clear, cohesive, and effective manner. This requires great mental discipline on the part of both of you; a discipline which allows you to become and remain a passive vehicle for the inspiration of a spirit teacher or guide.
In order for your mind to be free enough to allow the thoughts of another to pass through easily, you need to be relaxed; you need to let go of the concerns of the day; and you need to place ego aside.
Do not fret or worry, nor should you force anything to come through. You must be in a passive and receptive state of mind. If you worry, you will set up a mental block which will inhibit the flow of energy and inspiration.
As you work more with inspirational mediumship, your mind will release itself more easily for Spirit's influences, and a greater degree of control will manifest. With work, trust and patience, you will find yourself becoming a clearer channel for Spirit's teaching.
You must trust and have faith in yourself and in your spirit companions. At some point, however, you must learn to place your ego aside, so that another may work with and through you. Please remember, you are working to serve others, not to prove that you are a medium.
Trance mediumship is very closely allied with inspirational mediumship. There are two major differences between trance work and inspirational speaking/writing:
*The level of spirit control is stronger and much more direct in trance mediumship.
*The energy used in trance work is more physical in nature.
First of all, not everyone can become a trance medium. There is a certain type of vital magnetism and energy which must be present within the organizm of the medium, in order for the spirit operators and/or communicators to induce this particular state of consciousness upon the medium.
We feel that trance mediumship involves a very definite mental link between medium and communicator; one which is so strong that the spirit is able to affect directly the energy field and, susequently, the bodily functions and movements of the medium.
Knowing when and how to close a message is vital to effective mediumship.
Unfortunately, today, students are simply not trained to work hard at their developing mediumship. Everyone expects instant results. "Make me a medium this weekend" is the plague of this New Age of, often, frivolous channeling.
The biggest mistake that developing mediums make is assuming that just because they become aware of a potential spirit communicator, the spirit friend will do all the work. You have to encourage him or her to come closer.
Your mind and focus of attention should be directed, first and foremost, to the spirit friends who wish to communicate.
Remember, spirit friends are people. They have feelings and emotions, just as we do. Be sensitive to what a spirit friend may have to encounter, in order to communicate. Place yourself in his or her shoes. This will make you a more sensitive sensitive and a far better medium.
And always remember this important point: When you stand for Spirit communication, be mindful of the fact that this may be the only opportunity a particular spirit may have to communicate with his or her earthly loved one.
Nothing is etched in stone. You must look at every bit of information and determine how it will
best fit into your work and into the work of your spirit companions.
Knowledge is excellent; but knowledge, tempered with good, hands-on experience, is what creates wisdom.
::Notes Some Notes Taken from Stefandakis' How to Develop Mediumship And Channeling
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- Michael
- I Am Psychic, Medium, Spiritual Worker, Healer, Angel Communicator, Witch, Writer, Lover of life, and so much more! I enjoy Writing and reading the Tarot! Tarot and Psychic Training are my Passions! If you would like a Reading please visit My Website.
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